
Dental Caries

Dental caries is actually derived from the Latin word meaning a cavity and is characterized by destruction of email and progressive dentin caused by the metabolic activity of plaque bacteria. Dental caries is a disease characterized by dental tissue to tissue damage, starting from the tooth surface (pits, fissures and interproximal areas) extends toward the pulp. Dental caries can be experienced by everyone and can occur in one or more tooth surfaces of teeth, for example: from email to the dentine or pulp.

There are so many factors that influence the occurrence of dental caries. Here are some things that can affect the occurrence of dental caries in humans:
- Offspring
- Race
- Gender
- Age
- Food
- Chemical Elements
- Spit (saliva)
- Plaque

Caries occurs due to a series of processes that occur during some period of time. Caries is a multifactorial disease that is the multiple factors that cause the formation of caries. There are four main factors that play a role of host factors or host, agent, or microorganisms, substrate and time factors. Four general strategies that are key in preventing dental caries, namely:

1. Maintaining oral hygiene.
Good oral hygiene includes brushing your teeth before or after breakfast and before bed at night and clean the plaque with dental floss (flossing) every day. Rubbing teeth on edge to prevent the formation of dental caries and flossing do in between teeth that can not be achieved by a toothbrush.

2. Food.
Reduce consumption of sugary foods. Rinse his mouth after eating sugary foods will eliminate sugar, but more effective way is by brushing your teeth.

3. Fluor.
Fluorine causes tooth, especially email, resistant to acids that cause caries formation. Very effective to consume fluoride when teeth are growing and hardening, ie until the age of 11 years. More recommended if using a toothpaste containing fluoride.
4. Antibacterial therapy.
Some people have the bacteria that cause decay are very active in his mouth. Parents can transmit the bacteria to her child through kissing. Bacteria grow in the child's mouth after the first tooth erupts and then can cause caries. Because it is a tendency that tooth decay occurs in a single family, does not necessarily indicate oral hygiene and bad eating habits.

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