
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Part III

Orphanage Care in HIV / AIDS

Orphanage care in HIV / AIDS is unique to each individual, influenced by individual characteristics, stage of development of symptoms that are experienced by people with HIV / AIDS, and public attitudes toward HIV / AIDS. The problems nursing which are commonly found in people with HIV / AIDS include:
1. The risk of infection (opportunistic infection) in connection with a reduction immune
2. Tiredness (fatigue) in connection with the process of HIV infection
3. Acute Pain / Chronic relation to the presence of neuropathy, cancer, infection
4. Nutritional imbalance; less than body requirements with respect to not appetite, nausea, vomiting, pain swallowing, pain in mouth, diarrhea
5. Impaired skin integrity related to infection, cancer
6. Social isolation in relation to fear the spread of the virus, stigma
7. The risk of low self esteem in relation to changes in body appearance
8. Changes in sexual patterns with respect to the risk of spreading disease
9. Anxious in connection with the lack of knowledge, lack of family support / social
10. Defense responses (coping mechanism) is not effective with respect to chronic progressive disease
11. Deep sorrow in connection with the decline in immune function or the perception of death that threatens

To reduce the risk of getting infections, people living with HIV are encouraged to always maintain personal hygiene, maintaining safety and cleanliness food and beverages, keeping the environment clean, avoid behaviors that at risk of contracting or transmitting diseases, and perform treatment on a regular basis.

Fatigue can arise from infections, medications, anemia, dehydration, depression, or due to poor nutrition. Fatigue can be managed in a way to intersperse activities resting, prepare the schedule of activities / jobs that require a lot of power to do more energetic conditions at the time. Diet foods high in calories, high in protein and vitamin and mineral supplements.

As long as HIV infection progresses, patients generally stay in the house. Hospitalization may be required for certain times during the episode acute. As the disease continues to develop, patients need a serious treatment of the family or community nurses (community nurses). The nurse will help to make physical care, building a therapeutic relationship, and coordinate care with other health team members. Various support facilities in the community should be recognizable. When the patient is in terminal phase, the treatment provides support comfort and emotional support for patients and families is needed.

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