
The Dangers of Head Injuries

The skull of the child is still elastic and have the ability to experience deformation, then the child's skull can absorb some of the energy of physical strength so that it can provide protection to the brain.

Head injury in children is a cause of death and disability are high. In children with severe head injury ± 50% had neurology symptoms Sesa and ± 2% -5% a severe disability leave. Because the incidence of head injuries in children is high enough, it is necessary to early diagnosis, care, treatment and observe the course of the disease is key in preventing head injuries.

Cause Head Injuries

Scalp, hair, bones, skulls and bones of the face protect the brain from injury. When the injury with moderate pressure linear fracture can occur, but when with high strength can cause a depression fracture. Brain and skull respond differently to acceleration and deceleration forces caused by the blow.

This type of injury that can cause damage to the head and brain tissue pressure varied from the lightest to traffic accidents. In children less than 4 years of head injuries are often caused by falls from a table, chairs, stairs, beds and others. Whereas in older children is often caused by riding a bike or traffic accidents.

Some things to keep in the observations in terms of head injury, are:

Vital functions
Elevated blood pressure accompanied by irregular respiration (Cushing's triad) indicate a high intracranial pressure. Rapid pulse accompanied by hypo tension and irregular breathing may be caused by disorders of the brain stem functions such as the occipital fracture.

Large needs to be checked and the reaction of the pupil. Retinal hemorrhages are often seen on Sub arachnoid hemorrhage or subdural hemorrhage

Examined whether there is injury, hematoma or fracture. If there is pain or stiffness in the neck or Sub arachnoid hemorrhage

Ear and nose
Examined whether there is bleeding or cerebrospinal fluid out of nose / ear. Bleeding ears accompanied ecchymoses in the mastoid region (Battle's sign) may be due to fracture the cranial base.

The abdomen should also be checked against the possibility of intra-abdominal hemorrhage.

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